Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 - Resolutions

Why is it we seem to struggle so hard to come up with meaningful New Year Resolutions?

We want something not too trite, yet not too sacrificial either. Not something we've tried and failed before and not something that we already do. It can't be something that takes less effort to do than to resolve, like sponsoring a poor child in another country ( )

What we want is something about us to change.

Most likely we'll resolve to change something we don't like; our weight, our job, our bank balance, our habits. We search the artificial pool of favourite New Years Resolutions hoping to find the one that with minimal effort will make us a better person.

My resolution for 2010 - to be a better person. Isn't that really what every one wants?


Joel Toews said...

I have many "resolutions", but probably my most siginficant is to eat VJ's french fries in 2010. I've never had them before and hear they're great.
Happy New Year Martin. I hope this coming year is a great one.

Martin said...

Be sure to take the kids with you. Show them what real fries taste like!!

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