Saturday, December 30, 2006
The World is Flat
Yes it would appear that the world is flat and getting flatter, but not only in the way that Thomas Friedman and multi-national companies describe it.
the world is flat - there is a level playing field for everyone.
the world is flat - the basement shop has as many customers world-wide as his biggest competitor
the world is flat - the criminal has as many rights as his victim
the world is flat - the 12 year old movie producer has as big an audience as the biggest Hollywood producer.
the world is flat - pornography flows as quickly and freely around the world as the news
the world is flat - much, if not all of your personal information is readily available to others, and theirs to you.
the world is flat - not going at a green light incites more reaction than running a red light.
the world is flat - intolerance is not tolerated
the world is flat - not accepting is unacceptable
the world is flat - for those who have been flattened
but what about for those who go about the world doing the flattening? those who reduce everyone to the lowest common level? to their level? why do we submit the right to them to choose what is to be tolerated and accepted?
While freedom opposing communism is quite successful at making everyone equally poor financially, a universal flattening capitalistic force seems to be quite successful at making everyone equally poor morally.
Will I succumb and have not only my accent, but my morals as well, flattened so that they are neutral, unoffensive, and completely indistinguishable from the flattener?
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